Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Narratives of Randolph County - Kirkpatrick

I recently acquired the 27 page Kirkpatrick section of the Narratives of Randolph County. It is now available at this link.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Robert James George McClurkin (1911 - 1956)

Robert James George McClurkin was born on December 8, 1911 in Lisbon, New York. He died on May 6, 1956 in an Air Force Hospital at South Ruislip, near London, England. For the many details of his life, see the biography of Robert J G McClurkin

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Updated Family Tree Available

An updated family tree, with a total of 1024 individuals, is now available in three locations. It is available, by subscription, on and identified as Samuel Henry Kemps.
It is available for free, in text format, on, also identified as Samuel Henry Kemps. The link is:
The final location is on my website as Ancestor Tree. The last version includes photos of numerous individuals. Please view the tree at the most convenient site.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Indiana Marriages 1811 - 1959 recently updated the Indiana Marriage Index 1811 - 1959. Many of the descendants of Mathew McClurkin (1761 - 1847) were married in Indiana. I was able to locate 32 certificates and/or register images. These have been loaded onto my website on the Mathew McClurkin Descendant References page that is indexed on the Outline Descendant Report page.