Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thomas McClurken's Revolutionary War Pension File

I recently obtained, from, the complete 94 page Revolutionary War Pension File of Thomas McClurken and his widow, Elizabeth. Each page is a seperate image. To aid in viewing the file, I reduced the size of the images and assembled them into a slideshow, see: Thomas McClurken Pension File. In the near future, I will create a summary of the most important information in the file and the associated pages. I also removed some, possibly incorrect, information from the biography of Thomas McClurken. I need to do some more work to straighten out the details for this individual.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

William & Albert Kemps Updates

On, I found six entries in the City Directories of St. Louis for William. The years were from 1901 to 1911. I have added the data from these pages into his biography and links to these directory pages. Albert was also listed in the 1907 City Directory and his biography was similarly changed.